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Version 3.0 of The Complete CFI Binder – Piper Arrow III Edition Released

Today, September 12th, 2019. Divergent Aerospace has released Version 3.0 of The Complete CFI Binder, Piper Arrow III Edition. To download this new version, you must be enrolled in an active subscription. You may proceed to your Learner Profile now to download this new release!

Table of Contents

The Complete CFI Binder for Initial Flight Instructor Certification in a Piper Arrow III by Divergent Aerospace

Today, September 12th, 2019. FlightCog (formerly known as Divergent Aerospace) has released Version 3.0 of The Complete CFI Binder – Piper Arrow III Edition. To download this new version, you must be enrolled in an active subscription. You may proceed to your Account now to download this new release!

Version 3.0 is a very exciting update. We have completely re-written the entire book to be more interactive, professional, clean. This update has taken us nearly 1 year to fully complete. We hope you enjoy it! You can view our error log page for the Complete CFI Binder – Piper Arrow III for all current and fixed errors.

  • This annual update of The Complete CFI Binder is a major revision. We have completely re-written the entire book and have changed the page numbering scheme to allow for easier content additions in the future without disrupting the current page numbering in the binder.
  • We have added a Master Table of Contents a the beginning of the CFI Binder which will allow for global navigation. This Master TOC is hyperlinked and can be used to directly jump to any section within the binder. We’ve also created a hyperlinked lesson plan for each chapter which is clickable for easy navigation directly within each lesson plan.
  • All broken hyperlinks have been fixed. All multimedia within the binder that was previously broken has been fixed.
  • Each chapter has been completely written and reformatted and all errors reported by our customers have been fixed. Many of these errors were typographical with some factual. We hope this update provides our customers with a better user experience. 
  • The binder reflects our new branding for Divergent Aerospace with text and color formatting. 
  • This version is compatible with both the FAA PTS and FAA ACS.
  • This update is a product of our new publishing software which has taken us over 1 year to perfect and release. Following this update, there will be an annual revision of the Complete CFI Binder.

Sample Images

Here are a few sample images from our new release.

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