We have a very strict refund policy on every E-Book purchased from our website. To be eligible for a refund, you must not have downloaded the book already.
If you have already downloaded the book, your order is NOT eligible for a refund. Once an order is submitted and you download the book, you are committed to that specific version of the book.
We will not "swap" product versions after a download has already occurred. So, be careful what version you are purchasing. When you checkout, it's clear what version you're paying for. There should be no ambiguity here. We are not responsible for your negligence.
Our downloadable e-books are created without Digital Rights Management (DRM). Many companies in the publishing industry see to control how their customer consume their content by LOCKING their work to a single platform (or program) using Hard DRM (like Adobe Digital Editions or another variation thereof). We don't do this. As such, our product has a high risk of friendly-fraud (intentional fraud committed by a customer who does not have intent to pay).
To protect our intellectual property from friendly-fraud. We do NOT allow refunds on any downloaded e-book. Once you download it. We can no longer control it. Period. No questions asked. This does not mean that we do not have high-security measures in place that help us detect illegal file sharing or unauthorized usage, because we do. However, we simply cannot "take the book back" under these circumstances.
The Complete CFI Binder Series is the Intellectual Property (IP) of Flight Cognition, Ltd. Because this product is delivered to you in electronic format, once downloaded, it cannot be returned to us. No refunds will be offered if we have a record that the books has already been downloaded.
The moment that you initiate the download process on our server, you are taking the Final Delivery of the product. We do not offer refunds on downloadable electronic content because we have no way to monitor who is using our Intellectual Property after it has been downloaded from our server. If you've downloaded it, all sales are final, and no refunds of any kind, under any circumstances, will be provided.
The Complete CFI Binder E-Book is bundled with a semi-annual subscription that renews every six (6) months. The transaction for the book itself and subscription are two different items. The buy in fee for the e-book is a one-time payment, however, the subscription is reoccurring.
Customers have the flexibility to cancel the subscription at any time, even immediately after purchasing The Complete CFI Binder. To initiate a cancellation, customers can visit: https://flightcog.io/my-account/subscriptions/.
For additional details about this subscription, please refer to the KB article provided: https://flightcog.io/kb/why-the-cfi-binder-e-book-has-a-subscription/.
For more information on CFI Binder Book Subscriptions, please refer to the KB article provided here: https://flightcog.io/kb/refunds-on-cfi-binder-book-subscriptions/
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